Ocean Addicts Stand Up Paddle Demo Elliot Heads 4670 12th March

Ocean Addicts is loading up and hitting the road! We are coming to visit all our friends and customers at Elliot Heads and Bargara on the 12th of March offering a full day of demoing and product testing!

We are bringing our full fleet of Demo boards, Paddles, Sup Hydro Foils, Inflatable I-rig sails, race boards, cruisers, surf sups the whole lot!! We will based and set up at the Elliot Heads Holiday Park.

We will be hanging out with the crew from the 4670 SUP Club however everyone and anyone is welcome to come and go nuts trying all the gear!!

We will be offering tips on how to use the Hydro Foil and will have prizes for whoever gets the longest glide on the Naish Mololo Foil!

Looking forward to a great day on the water.

See you guy’s soon!

The Ocean Addicts Team.



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