2013 Naish Draft Review

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Rider: 77kg, Advanced

Style: Free-ride

Weather: 12-15 knots

Build Quality: 8/10

Satisfaction: 9/10

When I was shooting down for a quick sneaky blast during work (cheers Luke) on this much anticipated kite the wind had swung NE 12-14 knots, I wasn’t hopeful of getting out doing jumps or holding my ground for that reason, but I went ahead pumped up the new 2013 Naish Draft 12m accompanied with the new monarch 132×41. While pumping up there were 11ms struggling to hold ground and even a 16m having ago, I launched the kite and instantly felt and knew that there would be the power I needed for this ride. I can honestly say now that this kite is what Naish have been missing in this area of kite boarding for a long time I was excited, it had instant bar feel great power out of the turns as the pulley system was no more and with the monarch the hard edge cutting was able to produce great pop for me to get air time in such light wind, since busting my ACL 4 months ago I have gone back to old school kiting where air time, big jumps and board offs are something I want to push more of now. Overall I’m happy to say that the Naish draft will be my new go to kite and I hope others want to discover what this kite can bring to their riding style,

Jon Andersen

Check out this clip below of the 2013 Naish Draft in action.


For more information on the 2013 Naish Draft click here